We work with children and vulnerable adults in education and community settings, in work placements in the office, and with occasional child player/performers with the Orchestra. We are committed to the wellbeing and safety of every child and vulnerable adult we work with.
In all our work with children and vulnerable adults, we adhere to the following principles:
- Our primary concern is the wellbeing and safety of each child and vulnerable adult.
- We respect the rights and dignity of every child and vulnerable adult we work with.
- Children and vulnerable adults are treated equitably and sensitively, regardless of disability, gender, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation, or age, in line with the LSO’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy.
- The professional relationships between LSO players and staff, and the children and vulnerable adults they work with, are based on mutual trust and respect.
- LSO players and staff seek to achieve a balance between artistic outcomes and the social, emotional, intellectual and physical needs of the children and vulnerable adults we work with.
- The feelings and concerns of any child, vulnerable adult or their parent/carer are listened to and acted upon.
- All LSO players and staff who work with children and vulnerable adults, have a responsibility to prevent the physical, sexual or emotional abuse of any child with whom they come into contact. Any suspicions or allegations of abuse are taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately.
- Staff recruitment and selection processes for staff involved in work with children and vulnerable adults include Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks at the enhanced level, and specific questioning of referees in relation to the candidate’s suitability for working with children and vulnerable adults.
- DBS checks are also carried out for any LSO players, animateurs, chaperones and extras engaged in any work which involves regulated activity or substantial unsupervised contact with children or vulnerable adults.
If you have any questions about our Safeguarding Policy, please contact Andra East, Head of LSO Discovery.