Robert Turner
Member since 1994
‘One day when I was about eight years old, in assembly at my state primary school, the headteacher announced that there was going to be a violin teacher coming in once a week, and asked if anyone wanted to learn the violin. Although I was rather shy, I found myself putting my hand up and became a member of a class of eight or so budding violinists. The teacher was inspirational and I was hooked!’
Robert Turner joined the LSO in 1994 having held positions in the BBC Symphony Orchestra and Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, but his connection with the Orchestra goes back to his postgraduate studies at the Royal Academy of Music where his teacher was Alexander Taylor, a former Principal Viola. Before that he read classics at Oxford. Sharing the pleasure of music and music-making is very important to him and he takes an active part in the work of LSO Discovery, working with children, young adults and older adults of all abilities. He is one of the mentors of the LSO String Experience scheme and also teaches at the Royal College of Music.