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Sir James MacMillan facing the camera against a grey backdrop, wearing black-framed glasses and a grey suit

Sir James MacMillan and the LSO

Ahead of the world premiere of his Concerto for Orchestra on 11 September, we look back on three decades of collaboration with Sir James MacMillan.


Highlights with the LSO

World premiere of Brittania, conducted by Michael Tilson Thomas.

World premiere of The World’s Ransoming, conducted by Kent Nagano.
World premiere of Cello Concerto, conducted by Sir Colin Davis with Mstislav Rostropovich.

World premiere of Symphony, ‘Vigil’, conducted by Mstislav Rostropovich.

World premiere of A Deep But Dazzling Darkness, commissioned by the LSO for the opening of LSO St Luke’s, with Gordan Nikolitch (LSO Leader) as soloist.

2006 & 2007
Sir Colin Davis conducts The Confessions of Isobel Gowdie.

World premiere of Stomp (with Fate and Elvira), conducted by Sir Colin Davis. Commissioned by the Guildhall School, and performed alongside Guildhall students, for the 25th anniversary of the opening of the Barbican Centre. 

World premiere of St John Passion, an LSO commission, dedicated to Sir Colin Davis in his 80th birthday year.

2009 & 2010
LSO Portrait Artist in the 2009/10 Season, in celebration of his 50th birthday, with performances of Into the Ferment, Epiclesis and St John Passion.
50th birthday concert at LSO St Luke’s in July 2009, with MacMillan conducting and Nicola Benedetti as soloist. Featuring music by Mendelssohn and Tchaikovsky, and MacMillan’s own Í (A Meditation on Iona), From Ayrshire and Tryst.

World premiere of Violin Concerto with soloist Vadim Rapin, conducted by Valery Gergiev.

2010 & 2012
Guest Composition Director (2010) and conductor (2012) for the LSO Panufnik Composers Scheme Workshops.

UK premiere of Trombone Concerto with soloist Peter Moore, conducted by Gianandrea Noseda.

Premiere of the full string version of All the Hills and Vales Along, conducted by Gianandrea Noseda, written for the First World War centenary.

Concerto for Orchestra

Sir James MacMillan and Sir Antonio Pappano introduce MacMillan’s new Concerto for Orchestra in this video.

Listen on LSO Live

Coming Up

Season Opening: MacMillan and Sibelius 1
A portrait photo of Sir Antonio Pappano, standing against a grey background with his arms folded.

Season Opening: MacMillan and Sibelius 1

Sir Antonio Pappano

Wednesday 11 September 2024 • 7pm

Sir Antonio Pappano opens a new chapter as Chief Conductor of the LSO, conjuring stunning landscapes from Nielsen and Sibelius – and a world premiere by Sir James MacMillan.

MacMillan and Shostakovich 12
Nicola Benedetti holding violin and smiling.

MacMillan and Shostakovich 12

Gianandrea Noseda and Nicola Benedetti

Thursday 3 April 2025 • 7pm

James MacMillan's dedicatee Nicola Benedetti performs his Violin Concerto No 2 and Principal Guest Conductor Gianandrea Noseda conducts Shostakovich Symphony No 12.

Header image © Marc Marnie